Jul 15Liked by Jeff Sharlet

This essay is extraordinary. Thank you. The difference between metaphor and parable is really valuable. He tells stories as if they were true, but they can't be fact checked, are never fact checked. The parable of the women and doctors who kill babies after birth is another one. He mimes cooing at a baby, rocking a baby, and then abruptly says "KILL" the baby--and the crowd goes wild. What can we do? Even those of us on the left are losing the ability to describe and resist this unstoppable force. Please don't stop writing what you write. It's a lifeline.

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Yes, and, according to US govt. data, the vast majority of abortions take place before 12 weeks, when fetuses are less than 5cm long and incapable of surviving outside the womb. But they don't call them embryos (<8 weeks) or fetuses, they call them "babies."

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I am often against poking the flames of fear, but words cannot describe how vitally terrifying these words are. Waking up to more photos of a bloody fist in the air next to articles of judge Cannon throwing out the documents case would be funny if not for the sheer silent horror. I'm holding onto hope, but that path gets narrower every day. Thank you again for sharing. If we can't have hope, we can have solidarity.

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Jul 15Liked by Jeff Sharlet

I thought of you after the first news report. I also thought -- the blood, an anointing, now he can claim he was almost martyred, his Christian supporters will have a field day with this, etc. I wondered what you would make of it. Thank you for this, Jeff.

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Thanks, Kimberly. Solidarity.

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Jul 15Liked by Jeff Sharlet

Solidarity indeed, baby!

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Jul 15Liked by Jeff Sharlet

I remain disappointed that those who should fight remain polite. I remain disappointed that journalists prefer to paint prose rather than tell the tales. I remain disappointed that an early scene in Idiocracy—whereby the frat boy-esque football "hero" breeds an army that divides their father's few brain cells among themselves while the so-called smart couple fails to do anything beyond a career for themselves—seems to be the future for the U.S.

We need more writers and journalists like Sharlet. I only hope that his shrinkingly rare brand of writing does not shrink so rapidly that he's a rare voice in a wilderness about to be burned down by the trumplodite hordes.

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Jul 15Liked by Jeff Sharlet

I am so afraid right now. We need a movement to counter this reactionary, authoritarian swing in our country, but who will bring us together to do this?

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My first thought, seeing the various pictures of Bloody Trump, was, "Age of Martyrs indeed." Now they've got some truly amazing visual iconography, better than the Trump-headed Rambo or whatever, because this is real. Mythologically bulletproof. Unkillable. Just like bulletproof George Washington (which is apparently a real thing on the right, ye gods). My mother, an art teacher, used to tell her high school students that artists were often targeted by authoritarian regimes because a picture is worth a thousand words, blazed into your brain in a way no argument can be (high school students loved this talk and immediately found ways to visually skewer the school administration, haha). These pictures, though, man. I feel kicked in the gut by how powerful they are and what horrible things they're going to be used for. People ask, "What kind of normal person poses for the cameras after being shot?" A person who REALLY understands hagiographic iconography, is who.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Jeff Sharlet

I'm sure that there are desecrated U.S. flags being printed right now that will have not the mug shot ( https://www.instagram.com/p/C7Vf8c7u5m-/ ), not the thumbs-up pose (both of which I've photographed in the wild for my own field work) but the already iconic one by AP's Evan Vucci of the tandem raised fists (one being of a SS agent as they wrestle him down the steps), blood streaming on face, lipless mouth caught in full "f-flap" as he yells "FIGHT!" and a U.S. flag—incestuously printed on a U.S. flag—behind him.

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Jul 15Liked by Jeff Sharlet

It should be noted that the shot dominating the coverage of the attempted assassination is essentially an upside-down U.S. flag before which Trump and the SS agents are photographed.

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Iwo Jima with an upside down flag

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Jul 16Liked by Jeff Sharlet

"Here, then, is the new language of the Trumpocene."

The Trumpocene tips its hat to George Orwell.

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We need this kind of essay so much, Jeff. Really, decoding the "unity" meme from the extreme Right (all the RNC is now) is essential. Seems to be the next step, the spin, the rallying call to violence on behalf of their anointed savior.

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The speed and rapidity with which he goes down to the ground, the whole scheme is hatched and developed in his mind, and 20 seconds later he’s standing up, presenting it to his audience; it’s breath taking.

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During what part of seven seconds did Comperatore “shield his family?”

Why does everyone parrot that claim.

How many bullets entered Comperatore? Which ones were they, and when?

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What is the name of the image in your article?

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Thank you. This is so important and you are gifted with the talent of writing. Yes please keep writing. Can you get any of this published in the NYTs, Washington Post or other major newspapers? Metaphor v parable. So clear how they are different but people aren’t thinking clearly these days. Everyday, as we get closer to the election I have this immense dread rolling around in my gut. It’s so visceral and instinctual and dark and I fear it is about to consume our whole country. FDR said the only thing to fear is fear itself. He knew what fear can do to a people. So we have to keep reaching for the light and working to get Biden elected. But somewhere a little voice is telling me even that will not be enough.

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Brilliant as always. Please take a look at what Flynn is up to. It’s an insurgency.

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