May 24Liked by Jeff Sharlet

Jeff Sharlet you made it!

Very glad you'll be sharing your thoughts here. The last time I listened to you was when you were on with Chauncey DeVaga - one of the best podcast episodes I've listened to.

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May 24Liked by Jeff Sharlet

That was a great episode. I've been really wanting to hear more from you. Things are ramping up, yet the outcome feels as unpredictable as ever. Will there be a bang or a whimper? We need more talking of sense, Mr. Sharlet. There can never be too much of that. Thank you, Sir.

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Very glad to hear from you here. I am starting to tune others out. The talk with Marc was great.

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I just wanted to say thank you for The Undertow, which has stuck with me like no other book about our current era. I really appreciate your thoughts on art and its place in the struggle (this long, unceasing struggle), and how you clearly see the heartbreak and sorrow underneath all the toxic ideas and violence. That grief has to be addressed, somehow. I don't see a lot of journalists prodding that wound in the same way you do, maybe because they're suffering the same wound. We all are. I will keep making art, though, and try to have faith that it helps. We do what we can.

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Thanks for reading, Rachel, and for seeing the book for what it is.

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Thank you, Jeff.

Over the last while, when I hear or read something horrifying, I find myself thinking: I wonder what Jeff thinks about this? So glad you created this bridge to thoughtfulness. Safe passage.

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I turned on Notifications for your tweets on twitter the night of Beilock’s assault on the green and I have been watching the sheer depth of your humanity and patience. I really appreciate it. Look forward to more of it here.

(As a D’96 I deeply care about what is going on there and worry what it has done to the community that I care so much about.)

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Thanks, Shervyn.

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