Jun 9Liked by Jeff Sharlet

Oh my God, thank you for some intelligent analysis. It’s the first I’ve heard, hopefully it catches on with the MSM before November

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Thanks for reading, Chris.

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Jun 10Liked by Jeff Sharlet

Oh my Lord -- this is what passes for "good news" these days. We are doomed.

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Jun 10Liked by Jeff Sharlet

Good piece, but I have one question with regard to the banning of porn: Have the Proud Boys sworn off their supposed ban on fapping to porn?


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Jun 10Liked by Jeff Sharlet

Just a tip from an old fart who’s been around this block so many times that it’s causing a form of cognitive dysfunction albeit different than Trump’s:

Good media criticism doesn’t just tell one how reporting fails but why it does. Knowing why the mainstream media helps one know how to see through the BS. Of course, better might be just ignoring that reporting but if one must expose oneself to it…

Related: besides the issue of the mainstream’s bombing us with lousy reporting on polls there’s the issue of the polls being reported on. tl;dr to keep in mind:

Anything with a margin of error under 3% right there is a garbage poll.

Seeing the actual questions asked is essential.

Ideal is breaking respondents into groups of unregistered non-voters, unlikely voters, and likely voters with responses broken down accordingly. Spoiler: seeing the differences of responses by the three groups shows Biden doing pretty well with likely voters.

Also: voters don’t really pay all that much attention til around Labor Day. So ~3 months out…

And, yeah, I know. Finding trustworthy sources isn’t easy or fast.

None of the preceding is meant as a dis of Jeff, who I worship and have the complete respect for.


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Thanks for reading, but as I day above, I'm not focusing on work that fails. And the "about" for this site makes clear I'm not doing any horse race at all, and that means polling.

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Just filling in some gaps. Thought I was enlightening those who could benefit but I’m not a pro…

And as I said in the post: no dis of you intended, meant whatever. I have an indescribable amount of respect for what you do. Anything I say that looks like a dis, well, only looks like one but wasn’t meant as one. You’re doing god’s work.

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Jun 9Liked by Jeff Sharlet

Two terrifying but illustrative pieces I listened to this morning that add to Jeff’s great analysis.

1. https://youtu.be/W9sQxpHPBU8?si=Kx7CAH0MG0d6WEUX

<< Last week, former U.S. president Donald Trump was found guilty on 34 felony counts. In speeches and interviews following the decision, he used religiously-charged language and called on supporters to get revenge at the polls. This isn’t the first time Trump has utilized evangelical references, but his 2024 election campaign is increasingly relying on apocalyptic rhetoric.

<<U.S. political analyst and author Jared Yates Sexton is on the show to explain the wide appeal of the religious right’s messaging, the intersection of evangelicalism and the Make America Great Again Movement and how a loss of faith in democratic institutions underlies the appeal of religious narratives.>>

2. https://youtu.be/QAtytQgIqBw?si=XJyiodU3_4-VuCZY

<<‘No one is safe': Cohen's chilling warning about Trump's threats of retaliation against Democrats

<<In the aftermath of his conviction on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, former president Donald Trump has doubled down on calls for “retribution” against many of his political opponents. Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former attorney and author of Revenge and Disloyal, joins Ali Velshi to discuss his former boss’s threats of retaliation against Democrats and what he finds most concerning about the Republicans’ reactions to Trump’s verdict. >>

Buh-bye 1st Amendment if TFG gets back in.

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Thanks, Dogmother. I'm a fan of Jared's as well. I think there's a lot to be learned from Cohen, but I'm not including Cohen's arguments in my definition of journalism, broad as it is.

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